Already Practice Zen?

If you are a Zen practitioner looking for a place and community to engage or re-engage your practice or if you are new to New York or visiting, we invite you to join us to see if we might be a good fit for you.

The procedure for joining us follows.

IMPORTANT: If you have not practiced Zen meditation before, we ask that you please attend our Introduction to Zen class before joining us for a sitting.

Interested in paying a visit if already a Zen practitioner?

Here’s how to proceed:

  • Registration is requested before your first visit on either Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday. Register here. Please do not just show up. Thank you. If you have any questions, please note them on the registration form and someone will get back to you.

  • Here is our Meditation Schedule.

  • Arrival at the zendo: Pease arrive no later than 6:35-6:40 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays and 8:40 am on Saturdays so that you can be introduced to our basic zendo procedures. Arriving later than that makes it difficult on our end. Thank you for your cooperation.

  • Donation for sitting: There is a suggested donation of $20 for each sitting. Our high commercial rent and the upkeep of our zendo are major expenses for us and we are grateful for your attention to this matter. You can pay at the door with cash or check or PayPal / Zelle.

  • What to wear and bring: We have zafus, seiza benches and chairs for your use so no need to bring your own unless you wish. Please wear loose comfortable clothing and refrain from wearing shorts, tank tops or clothing with any texts or logos which could be distracting to others. We have 2 bathrooms where you can change if needed.

  • Entry: Our building at 34 W. 15 th St. has a buzzer system. Please press # 3. The elevator for the 3rd floor is straight ahead.

  • Before registering, it would be helpful if you read over our Practice Resources so that you can get a better sense of our structure and forms which may be slightly different if you come from another sangha but which can be easily assimilated. If you are joining us from an individual home practice, these forms will be easily picked up after a brief orientation on your first visit.

  • After the sitting: We will be happy to answer any questions you may have. You will also have a chance to meet other members of the sangha.

  • Membership: If you are interested in learning about membership and its benefits, please go to our membership page.

Sensei Marisa Seishin Cespedes