Already a Zen practitioner? Visit our Information for Newcomers page for essential information before your first visit.
New to Zen? Visit our First Time Zen page for information about our bi-monthly Introduction to Zen classes. It is necessary for you to take one of these classes if you have not practiced Zen before.
Meditation Schedule
Tuesday evenings, 6:55 pm to 8:45 pm
Zendo opens at 6:30 pm. No latecomers after 6:50 pm. Sitting begins at 6:55 pm sharp.
Two periods of zazen with kin-hin (walking meditation) in between followed by a dharma talk and brief chanting.
Suggested donation: $20 for non-members.
Thursday evenings, 6:55 pm to 8:15 pm
Zendo opens at 6:30 pm. No latecomers after 6:50 pm. Sitting begins at 6:55 pm sharp.
Two periods of zazen with kin-hin (walking meditation in between).
Please note that one Thursday a month and during our winter 6 week Ango period there is no regular Thursday zazen. Check our calendar for full information.
Zendo closed on Thursdays in August.
Suggested donation: $20 for non-members.
Friday mornings, 7:30 am to 8:30 am
Zendo opens at 7:20 am. Two periods of zazen with kin-hin (walking meditation) in between. You may join us for one or both periods of zazen. First period begins 7:30 am. Second period begins 8 am.
Suggested donation: $20 for non-members.
Saturday mornings, 8:55 am to 10:15 am
Zendo opens at 8:30 am. No latecomers after 8:50 am. Sitting begins at 8:55 am sharp.
Two periods of zazen with kin-hin (walking meditation) in between, followed by a short Zen Work Practice period.
Zendo closed Saturdays in July and August.
Suggested donation: $20 for non-members.
Online meditation, weekday mornings
Morning online meditation on Zoom open to the public
Monday to Friday 7:30 am to 8:30 am
Two periods of zazen with a short walking meditation in between.
Zoom link: bit.ly/stillmindzendozoom
During the year, the zendo is closed at the following times:
Labor Day Weekend
Thanksgiving Weekend
Christmas/New Year's Week
Late January to early March -- closed Thursday evenings (for ango)
Memorial Day Weekend
July 4th Weekend
In July -- closed Saturday mornings
In August -- closed Saturday mornings and Thursday evenings